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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Our Constitution

The name of this congregation is “Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries”, a not-for-profit organization(hereinafter referred to as CDHM) and its duration shall be perpetual.
We hold as scriptural and basic, the principle of church government as laid down by the Ministers-in charge – Pastors Isaac Adeoye Ajayi and Juliet Abiola Ajayi, in conjunction with qualified men and women, Pastors, Ministers, Evangelists, Deacons and Deaconesses

WHEREAS, the members of Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries are enjoined to assemble themselves together for worship, fellowship, counsel and instructions in the word of God and for the exercise of those spiritual gifts and offices set forth in the New Testament. We recognize ourselves as a body of Christian believers and to the Scriptural plan for the church, in order that we may worship God as one body, exercising all our inalienable rights and privileges granted to Christian organizations by the New York State and the United States of America.
Branches of this ministry shall be established all over the world through the direction of the Holy Spirit. Any branch of the Ministry shall herein be referred to as “Christ Deliverance and Healing Church” with the headquarters in the United States of America.
Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries is a New York State registered not- for-profit organization with Jesus as our Cornerstone and with the major mission of going into the world to preach the Gospel of Christ, teaching all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19-20.


I. To understand the truthfulness of GOD
II. To commemorate God’s attributes
III. To surrender one’s will to God’s desire
IV. To love God with our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves
V. To know that only God can heal and deliver
VI. To preach repentance and the believe in the Gospel of God
VII. To win souls into Christ’s fold

a. To preach the Gospel to the people, to the destitute, to heal the broken-hearted, to deliver people from the bondage of sin and satan and emphasize that deliverance is only in Christ.

b. To foster biblical teaching and teaching thereby enhancing better and profound understanding of the Christian faith, leading to a new life and growth in the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:4. To train and ordain ministers to evangelize, to promote missionary work in all places

c. To reach out to others that are in need and to encourage charity events both locally, nationally and internationally.

d. To encourage everyone to use whatever gift they have received to serve God faithfully

e. To strive to develop the potential of all members and to establish institutions that will be beneficial to the entire community, such as Bible School, Educational institutions etc.

f. To build up people who are committed to Jesus Christ and to each other, and who will worship God with Joy, love and peace and seek to be directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

g. To support and encourage each other in a Christian lifestyle. To apply our Christian faith and moral values to every aspect of our lives as individuals, in our family, at work, or in social and community life.

h. To erect and maintain church buildings, halls, business offices, school buildings, recreational facilities, vicarage and other structures as are deemed necessary, and to promote and organize and promote such activities as deemed necessary for the up-keeping and continuance of the said buildings and facilities.

To collect, solicit and accept funds, tithes, offerings, gifts and other subscriptions, which will be held in trust for the use of the ministry- Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries. To mortgage, lease, sell or otherwise acquire, or dispose of property, real or chattel, in keeping with the purposes of this ministry, and it shall have and exercise all powers that are necessary or convenient to effect any and all of the purposes for which this congregation is organized.

i. To organize Crusades, Conventions, Public Lectures etc. from time to time aimed at bringing people closer to God.

Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries welcome people from all walks of life ( race or color )into its fold, believing that the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ cuts across color or racial boundaries. It is our goal to reach the entire world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We value everyone as a child of God irrespective of background and past lifestyle, Deliverance is only in Christ, and the Lord can always transform anybody as He did for Saul on the way to Damascus, and his name changed to Paul.

New members will attend Membership class as arranged by the Ministers-in-charge, to impart the doctrines of Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries.

New Converts should be baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19. They should be baptized within Three months of giving their life to Christ. Attendance at a believers’ class is mandatory and a condition for baptism.
All members fourteen years and above must be baptized according to the doctrine of Christ Deliverance and Healing Ministries
Upon becoming a full member of the Ministry, members will be entitled to partake of the Holy Communion in accordance with the instruction of the Lord Jesus Christ, that admonish us to do this in His remembrance. However, full membership of the ministry is not a guarantee of partaking in the Holy Communion, the display of righteousness and walking in the way of Christ and doing His will is the only sure qualification for Holy Communion.

All members of Christ deliverance and Healing Ministries must participate fully towards the fulfillment of the church’s mission. The Minister therefore encourage members :
I. To follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ in every areas of their life, at home and in daily life to bear witness to Him.
II. To read the Bible and meditate on it daily and carefully.
III. To attend all church services promptly and on time. Services include Sunday service, Wednesday Deliverance Service, Friday Bible study and prayer, monthly night vigil, revivals and special church programs and activities as directed by the Holy Spirit.
IV. To render personal service to the church, neighbors and community.
V. To uphold the standard of marriage entrusted by Christ to His church i.e. marriage is to be seen as lifelong partnership of love.
VI. To bring up our children to know, live and serve the Lord.
VII. As a worker in His vineyard, to carry out duties effectively, efficiently and diligently with a sense of commitment. To attend workers’ meetings

There shall be a board of trustees for the ministry shall include the Ministers-in-charge acting in the position of President and Vice President of the board and any other board members as may be appointed by the direction of the Holy Spirit through the minister-in-charge.
Members shall not be less than three and more than five in number.
The board shall meet once every year to review the progress made by the ministry and to plan for the following year. Branch ministers shall be ad-hoc members of church’s board of directors.
Any member of the board(except the Ministers-in-charge) can be removed any time by the vote of the board members. Upon resignation of any member, a new member shall be appointed to replace him/her.
The Vice President of the board (Pastor Juliet Abiola Ajayi) shall act as president in his absence, but in the absence of both of them, committee members will choose somebody to act as president, who will preside over the meeting.

The ministry’s officers shall include but not limited to :
The Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer. Other officers shall be elected at the general meetings of the Ministry.

Committee members shall be appointed from time to time as the occasion demands. There shall be committees such as Building Committee, Standing Committee, Financial Committee, Committee on Evangelism etc. All committees shall report to the Ministers-in-charge for further discussion with the committee of the church.

The Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements of the ministry. He or she shall have the care and custody of all the funds and securities of the ministry and shall deposit or cause to be deposited the said funds in the name and to the credit of the ministry or its branches, in such bank accounts at such depositories as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine. Financial reports shall be rendered to the board from time to time, especially at the end of the year. No cash payments shall be authorized from the ministry, rather, most payments shall be in form of checks or bonds.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation is organized exclusively for one or more of the following purposes literary or educational purposes, as specified in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and the corporation shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

No part of the income of the ministry shall inure to the benefit of any member, trustees, director or officer of the corporation, or any private individual, except that reasonable compensation which may be paid for services rendered to or for the ministry affecting one or more of its purposes, and no member, trustee, director or officers of the corporation or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the corporate assets upon dissolution of the corporation.